
Showing posts from August, 2020

Giving up dreams

Have you ever given up on a dream you didn't really want to?  I have, twice.  The first one was law school. I worked and worked so hard to make that dream work but felt like the door closed in my face every time. I was pretty angry at God for awhile, it didn't really help and I definitely am glad that dream didn't come to fruition. I wouldn't be where I am today or get to do the things I really wanted to do.  Recently, I felt like God was asking me to give him my desire to have a family. I don't quite know how to explain giving up something you really want. It's not like you can just hand over a dream or desire that you have, but I resisted big time. I was afraid that if I let God have this, he would take it away and it's not a desire I want to lose. I found myself so frustrated with online dating that I finally decided to delete all my accounts. They basically became a huge distraction and the type of guys I matched or talked to ended up not being very kind...