
Showing posts from December, 2020

Diabetes Doesn't Define Me

I've thought long and hard about whether or not I wanted to share this, but I remember when I started this blog the one thing I wanted was to be vulnerable and share my story no matter how hard it may be. We all face a storm and sometimes the storms we face are similar. I don't share this news for sympathy but because I know there are many many people who walk the same path I do and I am not quite sure what mine looks like but I am hoping it's a good and long one(this makes it sound scarier than it is). Last Friday I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and although the news wasn't a major shock, I wasn't expecting it to happen this early in my life. Diabetes is something that is genetic and it runs on both sides of my family. I set a goal for myself and that was that I wanted to be more intentional with my health which meant going to the dr because I hadn't had a physical in quite sometime. I honestly feel like this was God nudging me to go. I saw my lab result...